
The Birth of Uniqueness: SVN Entertainment launch out with a new freestyle single titled “Pablo”

The facets of music and its ever-evolving nature gave rise to a great genre of music; that has conquered the music scene and gained recognition worldwide. Afrobeat has continuously become popular to the point where there are variations of it, including; Afro-pop, Afro-hip-hop, Afro-rock, and Afro-jazz, amongst others. A recent entertainment collective that has pushed the canvas of Afrobeat to almost every part of the world; through its art and music is SVN Entertainment.

An upcoming entertainment company, SVN entertainment started off with a group of artists and friends; that set out to capture the entertainment sphere through events like concerts, club events, and other nightlife events. One common factor that bound them together was their ceaseless love for music.

Creative in and out of the studio, the group thoughtfully named the company “SVN” since they were seven friends. Borrowing from the Norwegian language, they had intended to use SYN (seven) but later settled with SVN for a change. Their ultimate goal is to use events and music to bring different creatives together; in the same space and through this,they are set to launch their first music project dubbed “Pablo Freestyle”.

Starring artists; Azanti (Nathan Otekalu-Aje), Yvng Chriis(Somto Ukomadu), Zaiam (Hamza Liman), and SVNEntertainment; “Pablo Freestyle” comes off as a new wave of Afrobeat combined within the different elements of stardom.
All the artists on this single are notable for their adept lyrics; in AfroBeats and have stolen the hearts of many music lovers in the previous year (2022).

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